Thursday, January 9, 2014

What if Jesus threw the stone?

Yesterday at youth my youth pastor talkd a bit on the story of Jesus and the adulterous woman being dragged into the temple.

As the story goes, the teachers wanted to trick Jesus into saying something that they could acuse Him of later on. So they ask Him, "Teacher this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such a woman. Now what do you say?" 

Jesus starts to write in the sand, then stands up and says these stunning words: "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." 

So as you would think, they all one by one walked away.. After my pastor quoted this, my friend, who was sitting next to me, made the comment, "What if Jesus picked up a stone to throw at her? He was without sin.." 


I'd never thought about that before! Jesus was the one without sin! He had every right to pick up a stone to kill her! But no, He looked her in the eyes, not only seeing every sin she'd ever committed, but also knowing that her sin is the reason He would have to become the scum of the earth. It was the reason He was going to have to die a horrible death next to wretched people.

He had every reason to hate her. To kill her. But no, He looks at her and says, "Neither do I condem you." 
WOW. Jesus' love is SO great! He then says, "Go now, and leave your life of sin." Next time you're feeling unloved, remember this story. 

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