Sunday, February 16, 2014

Applying the Fire

This weekend me and my youth group went to Teen Mania's Acquire the Fire. I've gone since I was in 6th grade so this was my 7th and last time going as a student. It's kinda funny. I remember the first years I went to ATF it seemed so out of this world. So amazing. So life changing. Every time I went, I seemed to learn something so new that I hadn't heard before. 

The past 3 years haven't felt that way. 

Now don't get me wrong. Every time I go, I have a blast, the worship is great, and I always feel very refreshed. But something I've noticed is it hasn't felt the same the past 3 or so years. Why is that? Well for one, I've learned and matured a LOT. That and over the past 3 years, I've done something different than I did the first years. I've started applying the fire. 

This is so crucial. In fact, it's SO crucial, that without it, ATF is meaningless. Why? Well those Teen Mania teams don't go out every weekend and shed their blood, sweat, and tears so that you can have a good time for weekend. No, they invest massive amounts of time and money into these events to really CHANGE your life. 

There's two types of change. Change that occurs because of certain event that happened that can't be taken back. For example, the loss of a family member, moving to a different state, losing an arm or leg. Then there's change that happens because of a choice you make. There may be something that leads you to choose change, but, you can ALWAYS stop choosing this kind of change. 

Being a Christian almost always consists of the second kind of change. That's why they put on ATF: to compel us to choose to change our way of living every day, not just for that weekend. If we aren't doing that, if we're only acquiring fire once every year, then it's meaningless. Fire dies down if you don't continue to fuel it. In my opinion, ATF is more about applying the fire than acquiring it. Because Christianity is about DOING something. Not just hearing it. And that goes down to every single choice we make. Whether we get mad or cool down; get offended or give it to God; whether we give in or fight back. 

Every single day we NEED to apply what we learn at events like ATF. More importantly we need to apply what we learn every day in His word. Things like ATF are meaningless without that truth. Without that EIPC truth. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Nothing to complain about.

So today I was sick to my stomach.. I never actually got sick, but I felt terrible. I skipped church because I didn't even want to move. And on top of that, my back hurt SO bad. 

I'll have back pain here and there, if I stand to long, or if I have to carry heavy items, or I sit hunched over for to long. My back actually is curved to far in (just like my dads) and there's nothing they can do to fix it. But the back pain I had today was the worst I've ever had. I was almost in tears. I don't even know why it was hurting. 

With my back and stomach feeling terrible, I found myself wanting to complain, over and over again. Then I realized something. I have a mom who loves me and is taking care of me. She made me food when I wanted it, brought me water when I was thirsty. I also have a bed to lay down on, and though it felt uncomfortable, it's better than not having anything. I have warm house to keep me from the cold. I have the freedom to pray for healing. I have movies to watch to pass the time, people to text, and most of all, I have the assurance that I WILL get better. Wether I have to take medicine, or wait it out, I know for a fact, I will get better. Not everyone has that assurance.

When I think about all of that, then think about all the homeless people, people who are starving in Africa, and people who don't have anyone to watch over them, I realize that I truly have nothing to complain about. I am so so blessed. I may have been sick and uncomfortable today but wow.. I am probably one of the most comfortable, uncomfortable sick kids in the world. If that makes since haha. 

My point is, even though today was not pleasant at all, God used it to show me how much I have. And I truly don't have anything to complain about! :)

Friday, January 24, 2014

Unending Worship

"In the center around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and back. The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes, even under his wings. Day and night they never stop saying: 
Holy, holy, holy is The Lord God almighty who was, and is to come."

This passage in Revelation 4 is John describing what he saw when he was brought into the throne room of God. What he saw was four very funny looking yet glorious angelic creatures who worshiped God day and night, leading the elders of heaven into worship with them. 

This blows my mind. We humans were made to worship God. That is our main purpose. But we messed up. We sinned against God, just like the fallen angels. Now we see angels as these AMAZING creatures who far surpass ourselves, but the thing is, when some of the angles fell, God didn't save them. In fact, He cast them out of heaven forever. Yet when we sinned, He sent His ONLY son to die for us to redeem us! We truly are the crown of His creation! That's how much He was willing to sacrifice in order for us to worship Him. That's how much He loves us and wants to bless us with His presence.

The part that seems so crazy to me is He has those four living creatures, the elders, and ALL the angels to worship Him in heaven! Not only that, but they worship Him DAY AND NIGHT, forever, without stopping. Why in the world would God who has all that need us? Humans, with our half hearted worship, our distracted minds, and our sinful hearts. 

Well. The truth is, He loves us THAT much. He still wants us. Even though we can be so distracted with the world around us, He offers us a second chance everyday. We are so unworthy of that. But He sacrificed everything for us, so we could be holy. I think it's time to step up our game as humans. We need to live a life of worship. Now I'm not saying we should sing ALL day EVERY day. But we NEED to make worship a priority in our lives, so that every day our lives are worshiping him. Day and night. Because He is WORTHY. Remember what He did for you so that you could worship Him as you go about your day. No matter how much we mess up, or feel far from Him, that doesn't change how worthy He is of our devotion. So get back up, brush yourself off, and raise you hands to worship our king!

Friday, January 10, 2014

The Lord your God will be with you.. Did God lie?

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go" Joshua 1:9 

This is a very popular verse that is quoted all the time. Chances are, if you've gone to to church over a year or so, you've probably heard it once or twice. It is a good verse! But wait a second.. Look all the bad things that are happening to Christians all over America? Did God lie? Why doesn't it seem like God is with us when why try to go out and be courageous? 

Well first off I want to say that even if God is with us, that doesn't mean that bad things aren't going to happen to us. Bad things will happen. But as the scripture says, we need to be strong and courageous. BUT, that is not the only thing it says. We quote this scripture all the time. But we forget about the one that comes before it. 

"...Be very careful to obey ALL the law my servant Moses gave to you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Do not let this book of law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. THEN you will be prosperous and successful.." Joshua 1:7-8

This was God talking to Joshua after Moses had passed away. Notice that God didn't just say, "All you have to do is be brave!" No, it doesn't work like that. God asks for SO much more! "Do not let it depart from your mouth" God wants us to SPEAK His word. That's spending time in prayer, confessing life into any situation. "Meditate on it day and night." God wants us to think on, memorize, and pray His holy word ALL the time! Meaning we should spend more and more time with Him everyday! Why? "So that you may be careful to do everything written in it." 

This is huge for me. In my life, sometimes I find it SO hard to obey God. And I wonder why. "Why is this SO hard when you promised to be with me God?? Did you lie??"

Nope. I had just forgot a very important commandment. To spend time in prayer, worship, and devotion to God, not just when I feel like it, but everyday. 
"THEN you will be prosperous and successful." 

In today's church I feel like we've forgotten about what God wants from us. And honestly, above all else, He just wants us. Our time, our love, and our devotion. And out of that intimacy with Him, comes our prosperity. And that prosperity will be pleasing to God because it will consist of the growing of His kingdom. 

So next time you feel like God isn't with you, remember that He is. But also remember that your success isn't just based on you "trying" but also on your devotion and time spent with God. 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

What if Jesus threw the stone?

Yesterday at youth my youth pastor talkd a bit on the story of Jesus and the adulterous woman being dragged into the temple.

As the story goes, the teachers wanted to trick Jesus into saying something that they could acuse Him of later on. So they ask Him, "Teacher this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such a woman. Now what do you say?" 

Jesus starts to write in the sand, then stands up and says these stunning words: "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." 

So as you would think, they all one by one walked away.. After my pastor quoted this, my friend, who was sitting next to me, made the comment, "What if Jesus picked up a stone to throw at her? He was without sin.." 


I'd never thought about that before! Jesus was the one without sin! He had every right to pick up a stone to kill her! But no, He looked her in the eyes, not only seeing every sin she'd ever committed, but also knowing that her sin is the reason He would have to become the scum of the earth. It was the reason He was going to have to die a horrible death next to wretched people.

He had every reason to hate her. To kill her. But no, He looks at her and says, "Neither do I condem you." 
WOW. Jesus' love is SO great! He then says, "Go now, and leave your life of sin." Next time you're feeling unloved, remember this story.